Sunday, February 3, 2013


This week was the best of time for me. Before writing the my reflective understanding, I would like to quote one saying by Bill Gates as " Technology is just a tool, in terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important". Gradually and day by day, I am realizing that I am one of the smart teacher who implement web tools in my class. Thanks Web skills course and my dear all course-mates.

I read the article in detail regarding "Using Internet in the ESL Writing Instruction"  by Jarek Krajka and learned many useful and practical ideas for making my classroom setting more technology friendly. I realize that using the internet in the EFL pedagogy is best way which ultimately energizes students for learning. I agree with the writer that internet is the best tools " to explore the whole world just by clicking the mouse". I, of course, believe that web is multinational and without borders,.and it helps for developing cultural awareness, to know the discourse and knowledge of the world and most importantly, useful for providing authentic exposure. Secondly, This week was remarkable as I got chance to review the article by Mei-Ya Liang on " Three Extensive Reading Activities for ESL/EFL students Using E-book". This is new experience for me regarding the use of E-book in my classroom. I got the practical ideas with of using E-book for the purpose of teaching different genre to my students. Now, I have gone through the website and, got useful idea. 

In the same way, I discussed on my project and elaborate the issue. The main issue of my class is students’ feels hesitation while speaking. It is because of the reason that they are from different cultural, linguistic and ethnic background. My aim is to encourage  students towards communication with without feeling any hesitation and shyness. For this, I do use knowledge of web skills. .

This web skill course, furthermore, gave me new ave-new  for making technology enhanced lesson. I came to know that lesson plan is important so as to make our lesson as complete and objective oriented. It facilitates teaching learning procedure. The class will be more lively.  There is no doubt that computer is like pen of our time, so the use of technology in EFL setting is important. 

It is the golden opportunity for learning and developing academic leadership by using web tools and internet in classroom. 

Thank You.

With Love,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Maheshwor: I like what you said, that the computer is the "pen" of our time. Indeed it is simply one of many tools a teacher has. It is not the solution to all problems, but it is a major helper that cannot be ignored. -Robert
