Friday, January 25, 2013

Reflection : Week Three

First of all, I would like to wish  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear instructor Robert.
Third week was wonderful for me and it more practical and praiseworthy. I would like to start my reflection from one famous Chinese Proverb that, " I hear, I forget, I see I remember and I do I understand" . This quotation is related in my learning. When I do many things regarding different technologies, I understand so many things. I, of course, believe that use of technology will make our EFL classroom more lively and  practical as well. Now, I want to write my reflective understanding regarding this week tasks:

Task One : Aural Oral Skills Building:

I reviewed article entitled Developing Listening Skilll with Authentic Materials, by Lindsay Miller. I do agree with the view of writer that more than 40 percent of our daily communication is spent in listening. Without  listening, there is no speaking, so every good conversation starts with good listening. I understand that teaching listening is not an easy task rather it more systematic following different steps; pre listening, while listening and post listening. I would like to thank Robert and classmate who for valuable information. It is my first time I using webtools for different skills. Forthermore,  audio visual devices, TV/Video, language laboratory and Multimedia computer are useful for teaching aural and oral skills. I, therefore, believe that this will increase curiosity on the part of learners so that they can communicate easily. Regarding websites, I have book marked in for useful link. (

Task Two:

I heard only the term bookmarking while searching some website.  This is the first time, I am using for bookmarking. I learned so many thing for the purpose of collecting website for my teaching purpose.I came to know that I can use Tag bundle in This is my starting. I need to link different URL for making EFL lesson practical and purposive as well.
This is useful for practicing listening and speaking English with the people around the world, and helps to share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions.Moreover, this provide recording voices online using the online using the services.

I have already book marked other very useful weblinks in my delicious pages,) in 

 Task Third:  Project Review

This task gave me practical ideas regarding how to carry out research. I reviewed one project article by Prem Phyak. By reading this article,  I got the ideas to carry out project report systematically. 

Last but a least, this week has been easy for me in comparison with earlier weeks. I have very much glad with Robert and all friends.

Thank you.



  1. Hello dear Maheshwor!!!!

    I like this proverb “" I hear, I forget, I see I remember and I do I understand”.
    You’re absolutely right dear friend; listening is the most momentous skill for learning any language. It is proved that a good listener is a good speaker. In the old days teachers were not capable of getting better students’ listening skill on account of less resources of technological tools. At this point in time, we have got a treasure of tools and links regarding this valuable skill, and we are able to conduct various activities in our classes for the improvement of English language skills. I will attempt to make sure your delicious page links thoughtfully. It is a great job that we are gaining knowledge from one another properly.
    Beat regards,
    Nazeer Ahmed

    1. Hell, Nazeer!!!

      I am very much glad as we are learning by sharing our experiences with each other. Moreover, we need to do many more thing in the context of ELT by making our classroom technology friendly. Anyway, thanks for your comment.


  2. Dear brother the word is "Best"; not beat. Sorry for that........

  3. Hello Maheshwor,

    I like your proverb very much.Less words but say much.I agree with your opinion that technology will make our EFL classroom more lively.I also reviewed the article entitled Developing Listening Skilll with Authentic Materials, by Lindsay Miller.I liked the stages decided by the writer to improve listening through simple and available tools such as radio,TVs and internet. I will apply them in my classrooms.

    Thank you

    1. Hi,


      yes we are getting lots of exposure in terms of using web tool, in the field of ELT, and I am very much sure your we will make our class lively and enthusiastic through this approach.

      thank you.

  4. Hi Maheshwor,

    I like your reflective blog. It seems that you work very hard. As we know, the modern world is discovering new and new methods and technologies everyday and using these technologies in our teaching learning activities makes our students more curious. Being in this course, I got to know that we Nepalese are lack behind to use these modern technologies. Slowly and steadily, we have to change this trend of teaching to make our students capable to compete in this modern world of technology.

    Wish you all the best for your project,


  5. Hi,


    As a teacher in Nepalese EFL setting, we are back behind in the use of ELT technology, as majority of pedagogical systems is based on teacher centered approach. The traditional approach of teaching such as grammar translation, bilingual translation, deductive approach are still prevailing. Here, we need to be dynamic here by using web technology.

    thank you.
