Thursday, January 10, 2013


Hi Dear all !

I feel as if I am in the seventh heaven since I got golden opportunity  of learning through interactive web As we all know that today world is .globalized world, thus, it is our need to make the classroom more technology friendly. I again want to quote David Warlick who believes that " we need technology in every classroom and in every teacher's hand because it the pen paper of our time". Learning through blogging is one of the way, through which I will get lots of exposure from people in the field of pedagogy from all over the world. So, I want to say that the world is  like small village due to rapid influence of technology.

Definitely, I will also share my learning experience with my fellow friend and my students as well. Although I have published some articles in blog ( learning-my reflections/). Now, I am realizing the importance and usefulness of blog in language pedagogy.

Finally, I am very much pleased with my instructor Elliot and dear all friends, as it is the real platform of sharing the learning experiences with each other.


  1. Hi Maheshwor: Good to know you have used wordpress, and it will be interesting to hear about what you think of the advantages vs. disadvantages of wordpress vs. blogger. We are never advocating any one tool in this class, but rather we are introducing tools and increasing awareness of options you have as technology teachers. I look forward to reading more in your blog later.

    I am hoping you can turn off "word Verification", step 6 in the instructions, t make it easier to post a comment


  2. I agree with having at hand different sources at hand. I don´t know what wordpress is and what is the difference. -If you could tell us I will be happy. What I may feel useless, some of my teachers will find it useful.

    I agree that computers are the pen of today and think we have to give all the tools to our students as this society is demanding more and more and students have to be prepared to everything


  3. Hi Elena, thanks for your queries. Wordpress is one of the blogs.for example, I would like to request you, I have been using as one of the sources of getting knowledge of regarding language pedagogy.

    thanks a lot


  4. Hello Maheshwor,

    I think that all the colleagues including me will benefit from your experience with blog and other tools. I hope so.

    see you


    1. Dear Mustafa,

      Thanks for your nice and encouraging comments. During 10 weeks tenure, we will, of course, learn many thing. I am realizing that all my friends experience will be helpful for developing academic leadership in my teaching career.

      See you

      Melodious Maheshwor

  5. Hi Maheshwor,
    thanks for your interesting thoughts and the link. I like the link and had a quick look at your aswell. It seems to be a highly active and inspiring blog. I am sure we all benefit from the eteacher platform, Elliot's brilliant support and instructions and from each other's teaching expertise.

    thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Falkner,

      I am very much glad and pleased with you and your encouraging thought. Hope that we will share ideas with each other regarding pedagogical practices as well.

      thanks for you comment.

      Melodious Maheshwor

  6. Hi Mahesh,
    I quick viewed your reflective understanding , You have articulated your experiences regarding the use of technology in classroom. we are in the initial phase and of using technology in educational setting.Lets hope, that your concept of word press would be benefit for all the wiki's friends.

