Friday, February 8, 2013


Reflection- Week Five

This week was very significant and precious for me, and learned new things like creating rubrics, knowledge of Web quest. In the earlier phase creating rubric was quite difficult, later I was able to the specified accomplish task.  Now, I want to  make brief review of the work that I have done in this week.

Describing Technology Related change: 

In my class, students are not able to communicate fluently. I, thus, particularly need to focus on encouraging and motivating students towards communication. The topic of my project is "encouraging students towards communication with the help of web tools". I am grateful with instructor Robert for his valuable suggestion,  and for providing other relevant links for my project. I am very much eager to establish conducive environment for learning through the use of web tools and technology. 

Creating Rubrics & the use of PBL

A rubric is an assessment tool that provides the criteria for evaluating students' product. Specific levels of performance are listed along with a rating system such as needs improvement, satisfactory, good and excellent. Project based learning model is very useful for engaging students in group work so that they can easily show their creativity. For, this I read the article " Less Teaching and More Learning" by Suasan Gaer and got the idea of designing the project . I like the ideas as expressed by Gaer and it will be useful for me.

Last but not a least, the class was practical an learn-able  and I am delighted from tutor Robert and you all course mates since I got ideas and knowledge from your experiences. 

I am very much delighted from tutor Robert and you all course-mates since I got the ideas and knowledge from your experience 

With Best Regard,



  1. Hi Maheshwor,

    I absolutely agree with you that this week has been precious and learnable.

    PBL will help to raise students' motivation, give them more freedom in choosing and organising information and will encourage team work which is important for cooperative learning. This week we have learnt that PBL can perfectly cooperate with technology in the form of web quests. I find them great! They're a kind of adventure for students.

    Rubrics give students a chance to evaluate themselves and let them know what they need to do to achieve the desirable result. Creating a rubric was new for me, and, like you, at first I had some problems, but then I coped with the task.

    I also think you are in the right direction towards you final project. Communication is perhaps the most important thing that students have to learn in English lessons. The Internet offers a lot of opportunities to develop speaking skills. I wish you good luck!

    Best wishes,

  2. Hello Maheshwor,

    I liked your issue very much. It is the need of the majority of the students all over the world. They lack motivation. I think that using technology to create an encouraging environment will help you solve the problem. You should involve your students in building this environment. Students sometimes have creative ideas, we don't have. I wish you a good luck.


  3. Hi Maheshwor,

    I had a quick glance onto your blog entry of week 5 and I got stuck at your comment: "Project based learning model is very useful for engaging students in group work so that they can easily show their creativity".
    I absolutely like the word creativity, because it is exactly what students should develop to manage life and how little time they are given in school to do so.
    Students' creativity is something individual, personal, wonderful, motivating, something like a gift and still jet kept secretly and hidden due to lack of time and a full and often very unflexible curriculum.
    I also have to agree with you that this week was intensive but learnable. Yes, you make it quite clear, that Robert does a good job. He does not only provide us with help and support but also adds enriching comments with more challenging and practical links.

    good luck for your project

  4. Dear Maheshowr,

    Indeed motivation is demanding on our part for relatively poor learners. As I have been saying, I think these all pave the way to learners' autonomy decreasing teachers' tiring so far. So PBL and Webquest are really good for learners.

    Above all, thanks maheshowr and all guys.

    Young & Yummy Yubaraj
