Sunday, December 27, 2015

Reflecting the Year 2015:)

Reflection the Year 2015

Maheshwor Rijal

The year 2015 is going to end, and let’s welcome New Year 2016 as an avenue for progressive changes and transformations in the history of our nation. As the youth citizen, I am scrutinizing my dream where my country would be the ideal model to be followed in the international community. For this, harmonious political mechanism is mandatory, where every citizen can enjoy their rights and pursuit of happiness. And, my desire is to serve the nation wholeheartedly doing the things as best as I can.  But this is bad omen that we are still living under the great political deadlock, and transitional phase, and situation is being really traumatic as there is no

Many things have been severely affected due to earthquake. Several houses including archaeological monuments have been collapsed. It is obvious that people are still struggling to get back to their normal life and livelihood and chilling cold, now, is challenging Dwelling under the CGI sheet and Tarp is very difficult as there is no insulation and warm. The quake-survivors are having many challenges due to poor living condition and lack of hygiene and sanitation.  This should be urgent priority of government. Therefore, many things are yet to be done, improving all this urgent issues.

The outflow of money should be minimized prioritizing local products. Let’s stop massive flow of well skilled human resources and culture of brain drain in the foreign land and equally avoid the unquantifiable pain of Nepalese workers in the Arabian land. And such kind of unwanted outcomes are to be addressed soon forming the apt mechanism from concerned authority from this New Year. Hope this is the year for favorable environment for investment in hydroelectricity, and other industry, and for the healthy environment of employment for youth.  Because of massive unemployment rate, there is the frustration and alienation among youth circle, and hope government will rectify these critical realities implementing employment packages immediately
Let’s make this year as the year of improvement in education mechanism, where the role of government is to reduce the gap of haves and haves not group in Nepalese society, today, strengthening the standard of public schools and minimizing attraction toward private ones.

Hope the year 2016 will be the best year for historic changes. This is really weakness of government as there is no adequate focus on most Earthquake affected population where victims are died due to extreme chilling cold. As a humanitarian and development activist, I want to urge that government should develop integrated utilizing the reconstruction strategies to ensure the living place.

This is the time to see the possibility of change from the ground where there no possibilities, in terms of education, finance, industry and commerce and more the healthy politics.  I HOPE YEAR 2016 will be the shining star to address the voice of voiceless people particularly Earthquake affected region. 

Now, it’s time to learn from the failure to reach in success appreciating what Winston Churchill said Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.  Therefore, it’s time that political leaders to act wisely, lets welcome all helping hands for the progress of nation to see the ultimate delight and happiness.



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