Monday, August 25, 2014

Letter of Concern

Dear political leaders,

I am writing to this letter of concern to you that what happening in our country in these days as the news of injustice; crime and corruption have been increasing!  The news of progress and prosperity are now being gradually decreased. Firstly, I would like to ask our honorable prime-minister, what did you do for drafting the constitution after you take oath of office and secrecy of premiership? I would not be wrong in saying that you did nothing except visiting abroad for your health checkup and recruit a person of your favor in the decision making level of government. Please, put your hand in heart and think for a while to reflect yourself.
Dear leaders, why are you still reluctant to go ahead for the constitution drafting process?  As first four years journey to draft constitution  through Constitutional Assembly (CA) was  a failure  and the great lesson already learned,  now, its second chance to you that people gave  you mandate for  constitution drafting. It's really a reprehensible reality that parliament house has been a place of earning money but not the ideal place of addressing people' mandate. Don’t you have shame to ignore mandate of people!!  Please, hurry up to make new Nepal through constitution respecting the people's mandate.

What would be frustration than this that every day we are encountering the news of crime, injustice, and corruption? Such kind of negative wash-back and catastrophic figures of Nepalese society are never appreciable for the progressive changes and transformation.  Why are political leaders now busy in advocating for the notorious criminals and gangsters?  Instead of throwing such stigma of society forever some of the comrades are doing politics keeping backside to these criminal and this is proved by recent crossfire case of Chari.

Dear leader, please do work for victims doing immediate rescue of oppressed people in Sunkosi Landslide. Hope, sympathy and courage are the need of this time, but these are lacking. You need treatment for your diseases in Europe and American hospitals while majority of oppressed remote people are fighting for a tablet of para-citamol. Have you ever realized the pain of poor women in Karnali who died of not having treatment on time? 

On a separate note, the news of violence against women has been increasing seriously in home and foreign land. Women and girls have been unsecured in family and in society.  There is no protection and security. It was shocking news to everyone that gang rapes, blame of witch, sexual harassment, domestic violence have been occurred frequently.  What would be worse than this that a woman went for work in Arabian land recently sentenced to death, without having any diplomatic correspondence from government?
Now, it’s the alarming time to act wisely for the sake of nation but not for  personal benefits. It’s the time to throw injustice, crime and corruption forever and ensure justice, equality, and good governance in the society.  Most importantly, dear leaders please do work on drafting constitution, we are here to support you, and it's time to show our dignity in the international community.

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