Monday, April 14, 2014

My Fellow Countrymen

Nepal is rich in everything. We are rich in water resources, cultural heritage, natural beauty and much more. Words are not sufficient to describe the significance of our country. Then why are we backward in the process of development? This is the most critical question of today. We are, of course, backward in the development of education, science and technology, industry, commerce and, most importantly, healthy politics. Who is responsible for this?

Despite having potentiality in the homeland, many people are flying abroad in search of better opportunities and further studies. And, yes, any scholar or businessman who has left the country has become a permanent residence (PR) holder in foreign lands. At the same time, people are compelled to sell and cultivate their blood and perspiration at very low wages in the Gulf countries at high risk and great danger to their lives. As everybody knows, this is neither the choice nor the fate, but a compulsion created by political deadlock and trauma. This is the most tyrannical and pathetic situation that we are facing now. This is the real outcome of a weak political and governance system.

In the present scenario, political leaders are fighting with each other like cats and dogs to get power and authority ignoring the urgent mandate to draft a constitution through the consensus. The situation is shameful today since politics is the best source of earning money, and this has been proven by our leaders. So, it is hard to see unity in the party and political system at this time. It is very difficult to find selfless and patriotic political leaders. Consequently, people have become like children’s toys and are obliged to follow the tail of the political parties. So, it is high time we ended this kind of system. This is the time when we need to show our prestige, fame, reputation and dignity as brave and patriotic citizens of Nepal.

Let’s think about being the most remarkable example in the international community by establishing a conducive political environment. Unity, cooperation and harmony are the best ways to reach a logical consensus. Then there will be liberty, peace, and harmony. Then every Nepali citizen will realise the meaning of what John F Kennedy said: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. So, dear leaders, please do not demolish morality. We are here to help you. We are Nepalis and love our country, and we want to see an everlasting, peaceful and prosperous country. Whether you are democratic, communist or federalist, your prime duty and responsibility is to develop the country by improving the lives of marginalised people and providing equal opportunities to all by creating a conducive political scenario. We are not backward. Let’s go for progressive change from every village and town.
( published in Kathmandu Post) 

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